
Combined Live Portfolio

We have chosen the top 20 performing stocks from across all our portfolios and combined them to create the Combined Portfolio. The purpose of all these portfolios is to find winning stocks and bring them together to deliver unapparelled investment returns.



This portfolio brings together the best of all our other portfolios with the aim of delivering a super portfolio. This approach allows you select the healthiest and most robust stocks from each of of our other portfolios. This means you’re not relying on the health of just one portfolio but reaping the benefits from the best parts of each.

By cherry-picking the top-performing stocks from sectors – whether that’s technology, healthcare, energy, or finance – you’re creating a portfolio that is both rich in diversity and high in quality.


Unlike technical analysis, which delves into price movements and trends, our focus here lies in the bedrock of fundamentals. While we will pick the best performers from our other portfolios we also need to consider the fundamentals of the stocks we select to ensure they can be robust enough if market circumstances change. We will need to consider the following:

  1. Diversification in Action: You’ll see firsthand how a slump in one sector can be offset by gains in another, helping mitigate risks.
  2. Market Sensitivity: By observing how various sectors react to market events, you gain insights into which industries are more defensive and which are more growth-oriented.
  3. Fundamental Evaluation: By tracking top-performing stocks, you get to study the underlying fundamentals that drive their success.


This is a unique approach to portfolio structure and will provide a wide range of learning topics for students from regular portfolio assessment, rebalancing, critically apprising the holdings selection and analysis of results against our other portfolios.


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